Our Mission and Mission Field

We exist to help people become fully devoted followers of Christ. For 65 years Seminole Assembly has been impacting Pinellas County with the Gospel of Jesus. Our methods have changed, but our desire to reach our community hasn't.
Acts 1:8
Our Jerusalem: Pinellas County. Our Judea: The Gulf Region. Our Samaria: People in our area that churches aren't reaching. To the ends of the Earth: Anywhere on Earth that has not experienced the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

No matter your story, you are loved here. There is a place for you at Seminole Assembly.

Come Join Us!

Sunday Morning



Mid Week


7:00 PM

A people united in overthrowing a culture of darkness by developing a culture of light and spreading the Gospel light of Jesus Christ, from here to the ends of the earth!
- Tom Anglin, lead pastor

Want to get involved?

Check out some of the ministries here at Seminole Assembly!

Pastor Tom's Testimony